“RMM Block Hours” includes the Remote monitoring and all features and benefits of RMM Only Plan.
- Pro Active resolution.
- Budget friendly you choose the amount of support hours to fit your budget.
- Reduced Call Out Fees.
- Hours not used are banked (roll over monthly) .
- No Travel time charged.
- 2 Hour response time for Emergencies
- 8 Hours Standard Response.
What is Included?
The hours can be used for any it labour.
Link to Compare Plans
How it works:
The support plan is made up of 2 elements our RMM [link to RMM] Software and Block Hours [link to block hrs] purchased.
The RMM software is loaded on each computer you want covered and its charged per device, this allows us to proactively monitor the computers.
Block hours is made up of Maintenance hours to keep your site healthy and support hours for any other work to be done on your site.
How many Hours do I need?
Guru iT recommends purchasing half an hour per computer a month this will cover all maintenance and in generally most other support work required without running out of support hours.
We do not split the maintenance and support hours you purchase a set of block hours at a reduced rate and some of it will go towards monthly maintenance and the rest towards general support.
Hours purchased is banked over a 12-month rolling period, therefore if you are purchasing slightly more hours than what you need you can make use of discounted block rates and the hours left over
is banked.
You do not lose these banked hours.
How pricing works based on 5 computers monthly?
RMM software charge per computer monthly R60 excl vat x 5 computers = R300.
Block Hours we recommend half an hour per pc monthly: R400 * 2.5 HRS = R1000
(you will in all likelihood bank hours here that can be used for future work)
Total = R1300 monthly.
Block Hour Rates
Standard Hourly Rate R400.00
10 to 15 hours R381.00
16 to 20 hours R363.00
21 to 25 hours R346.00
26 to 30 hours R330.00
30 to 50 hours R315.00
50+ hours R300.00